Parish Life

Livestreaming Team

“Mass media: a friendly companion for those in search of the Father”. Pope St. Johnn Paul II

We know how important the Mass Media in our world is today.  We began to broadcast the daily Mass from the Parish only with the Priest’s Smart phone. Then a group of Parishioners lead by Erick Brophy (Knights of Columbus) and with the full support of the Board of Wardens began to improve the technology in our Parish.

Today we have a modern system of Cameras, microphones, and amplifiers, which helps us to live stream with good quality the Celebration of the Eucharist on Sundays at 10:30 on our YouTube channel. We also pray the Divine Mercy Tuesdays to Fridays at 03:00 pm on Zoom. We have two big screens in our Church which help Parishioners to easily follow the songs and prayers.

If you would like to volunteer and serve the community through this wonderful Ministry, please contact the office Att. Technology Team