OLPH Ministries

Music ministry has been part of the Mass celebrations at OLPH since the founding years of the Parish.  There has been an enduring tradition of choirs including the memorable Sunday choir under the wonderful 40 year direction of the late Mary McNamee.  In the early 70’s a youth choir was started under the guidance of Maureen Keenan with mostly high school aged kids.  The music was guitar and piano based and chose contemporary hymns written mostly in the post Vatican 2 era.  Both of the choirs contributed for many years not just to the Masses but also to the social events and fundraising events of the Parish.

            The youth choir eventually evolved into the folk choir and continues 50 years later as a small group serving the congregation of the more contemporary Saturday Mass. Today the Sunday choir is enjoying a vibrant post Covid renewal with new membership and a strong Afro-Caribbean influence. 

Music ministry is open to everyone.  If you think you would like to try singing with the choir on Saturday or Sunday you don’t need to audition.  Just come 45 minutes before Mass and we will help you get started.

Gerry Rossiter


Music Ministry

OLPH Chateauguay

We are a team of dedicated volunteers who reach out to our parishioners in their home or in residences, who are unable to come to church for various reasons.

We share the Holy Eucharist, parish life, prayers, parish bulletin and send cards at special occasions during the year.  

Parishioners or family members who are sick and wish prayers can ask for prayers at weekend masses.
We have been doing this for over 30 years.

If you have received the call , through prayer , to this ministry please contact:

Clare Frenette 450-692-0246, or clarefrenette@bell.net

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What is a Lector?  This ministry may also be called reader or minister of the word. A lector is the person who proclaims the first or second reading at Mass. This person also may lead the Psalm (in the absence of a cantor) and the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass (in the absence of the deacon). In our Parish the readers are members of the different groups of Apostolate and they exercise their Ministry when their groups Animate the Liturgy.

When the needs of the Church warrant it and because of a lack of Ordained Ministers, an acolyte or other lay faithful may be temporarily designated as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion according to the norms of Law. Therefore, lay people, men or women, may distribute Holy Communion inside and outside places of worship.

It consist of parishioners who volunteers to who welcome guide existing, new and potential parishioners on where to seat in church with respect to the events and masses.

The volunteers must be present before the start of every mass.

For more information, please contact the church office via the contact page.