“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. It will not be so among you; but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant.”
Gospel of Matthew chapter 20
The Pope shepherds the world- wide Catholic Church. He appoints bishops with the responsibility of guiding sections of the international catholic community, called dioceses.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish is one of 39 Catholic Parishes under the Pastoral guidance of Bishop Noel Simard, Bishop of the Diocese of Valleyfield.
Our Parish is headed by Father Juan de Jesus Solorzano, m.x.y. who was appointed by Bishop Noel Simard. He takes guidance from the bishop and oversees all liturgical and pastoral activities of our church.
Our Parish comprises of many pastoral groups offering education, service, and prayer to many factions of our religious, municipal, national, and international communities. These pastoral groups meet monthly at a Pastoral Council to receive guidance from Father Juan and put their objectives forward in co-operation with the current liturgical agenda.
The management of the corporal affairs of the Parish are the responsibility of the parishioners who elect 6 peers, known as church wardens, to a committee known as the Board of Wardens. A church warden is elected to a 3year mandate and may continue for a second mandate with a maximum of a 6year commitment. The Parish priest is invited to all committee meetings to report on important issues that have come to his attention and assist the wardens in their responsibilities where possible. With the commendation of the Parish Priest and the approval of the bishop, one of the committee members is appointed as the chairperson of the Board and convenes the Board and presides over the meetings.