Fund Raising

Events organized to raise funds for building maintenance and special projects happen throughout the year.

The Valentine’s Brunch takes place in February and is a combined effort of all Parish groups to gather in fellowship. This is a family friendly event offered at an affordable cost.

The Family Golf Tournament takes place in September after the children have returned to school. All levels of golfers are encouraged to join in for the fun and learning of the sport. This event is followed by The Annual Corn Boil. All parish members (golfers and non-golfers) are invited to attend at an affordable cost. Prize donations for the golf tournament and door prizes for the corn boil are part of the event’s fun.

The OLPH Holiday Craft Fair takes place the first weekend in November and kicks off the Christmas season. Crafters are encouraged to apply for a table rental to display and sell their wares. A festive tearoom offers light snacks and lunch at an affordable cost. All dates for these events will be posted on this website and in the parish bulletin as the time draws near. If you would like to volunteer to help with event- planning, please contact any one of the wardens and let your interest be known. All are welcome.

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