Vie paroissiale

Franciscains séculiers

Short History

The Secular Franciscan Order, formally called the Third Order of St. Francis, is a community of men and women in the world, from all walks of life, who seek to pattern their lives after St. Francis of Assisi, and through him, after Christ Jesus.

We are brothers and sisters in fraternity, expecting prayer and support for each other.  We read and pray and live the Gospel to learn the ways of Christ.  We have a special concern for the works of peace and reconciliation.  We strive to help the sick, the poor, and the oppressed.  We strengthen our loyalty to the Church and her shepherds, as to the Lord, and we are able to deepen our life of prayer and our union with God.

1) At regular meetings, we start by Praying with the Braviary (Meaning the Psalms, the Official prayer of the Church and part of the Liturgy) and end the prayers with a Blessing said by our Spiritual Leader

2) Plan the year’s activities such as Fundraising (Bake Sales), Retreats, Financials, Meetings, Summer Outings, Helping/Visiting Impaired Members

3) Have a discussion based on a reading taken from the Omnibus which is based on the Life of St. Francis

4) Discussion with the Formation Officer after listening to his readings based on the Gospel

5) Remarks on the Formation readings by the Spiritual Director 

We meet every third Sunday of each month except July and August

We meet in the Parish Hall at 2pm

– Hunger Meal

– The Way of the Cross

– Bake Sales

– Christmas at Greccio

– We animate the Liturgy on Sundays according to the Schedule of the Parish

– We prepare different activities and contribute economically to the maintenance of our Church

If you would like to join the Secular Franciscans in our Parish Please contact:

Name:  Mary Lord

Email address: