Most frequently questions and answers

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process during which the participants gradually experience a shared spiritual journey as they discern their call to become Catholic.  We will learn about, discuss and pray with various aspects of the Catholic faith:  its doctrines, history, sacraments, prayers, practices and rituals. RCIA is for the baptized and the unbaptized, the devout and the curious, aged 18 and older.  Join us when you are ready to learn more about the Church and the possibility of becoming Catholic.

To register, contact the parish office via contact page: Click here

All needed materials will be provided for you. You will receive a Bible and other related materials as tools for reflection.

I would like to hear about some of the experiences of the other catechumens and candidates.

The experiences of other candidates and catechumens are as varied as the people themselves. Everyone has their own story, their own journey. RCIA candidates come from all walks of life, all backgrounds and all ages.

We invite you to come to our sessions and visit with any of our leaders, sponsors and candidates. We are eager to share our own experiences.

There is no obligation for participants to become members of the Catholic Church. Anyone seeking information about the Catholic faith is welcome to attend our sessions.

Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and dialogue with the material. There are times during the RCIA process for you to explore your intentions and continue to discern God’s call. Everything shared during the sessions will be treated with confidentiality and respect.

You will be glad to know that the Catholic Church universally recognizes most Christian baptisms. You are welcome to explore the Catholic faith with us, and when you so choose, you can prepare to join the Catholic faith through the RCIA process. Prayer, discernment and reflection are part of the RCIA experience.

Yes, part of the process of conversion is to begin attending mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.

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That depends on when the wedding is. RCIA candidates generally enter fully into the Catholic church during the Easter vigil each year.

No. You don’t have to be Catholic to get married in the Church. The decision to join the RCIA is one that you should make for yourself, because it is something you want to do, not because you feel you must.

Please contact the parish office 5-6 months before your wedding date, to start your marriage preparation course.

Click here to Contact us

Please see information below about reserving the date and beginning marriage preparation. There is some paperwork to fill out by the couple.  

Can a Catholic marry a non-Catholic? Yes

Can a Catholic marry a non-Christian? Yes.

Can a Priest marry a Catholic and a non-Catholic? Yes

Can a Priest marry a Catholic and a non-Christian? Yes

Can a priest perform a wedding ceremony outside the Catholic Church? The priest needs to get permission to do this from the Archdiocese headquarters. If there is a non-Catholic or non-christian involved, and the priest has been granted permission, the priest can do the wedding ceremony. It is advised that a Catholic marrying another Catholic ought to be married in a Catholic church. 

What is marriage preparation?

Marriage preparation is the process leading up to the wedding ceremony when a priest or a designated couple meets with the engaged couple for several sessions in order to discuss topics of faith, relationship and marriage. 

Can we do our marriage preparation at the Catholic Center but get married by a different priest elsewhere? Yes

Can we do our marriage preparation elsewhere yet get married at church? Yes.

Baptismal Certificate.  All Catholic parties must obtain a baptismal certificate, issued within six months of the wedding date, from the parish of baptism.

Affidavits of Freedom to Marry.  Both parties mush complete Affadavits of Freedom to Marry forms. These forms, usually completed by the parents, other relatives, or close friends, should be returned to the one preparing you for marriage.

Marriage License.  It is the responsibility of the couple to obtain a marriage license prior to the wedding.  It is a violation of state law for a minister to proceed with a wedding without a license in hand.  The license must be given to your priest or wedding coordinator two weeks prior to the wedding. A marriage license is valid indefinitely.  For information about licenses, contact your county’s courthouse to obtain your marriage license.

If you are entering into a second or subsequent marriage.  If your former spouse has died, you must provide that person’s death certificate. If you are entering a marriage following a divorce in a former union, an annulment must be secured for each former marriage that was entered into by either party preparing for a current marriage.  This is true for both Catholic and non-Catholic parties.

What do I need to get Confirmed as an adult?

All adult members of our faith community who have been baptized and received their First Holy Communion but have not been confirmed are invited to participate in the Adult Confirmation preparation program.

To be a godparent for Baptism or a Confirmation sponsor, you must be at least 16 years old, confirmed and participating regularly in the sacraments.

For sponsors whose home parish is one other than our church, a “letter of good standing” from their home parish is required.

For more information about the sacrament of Confirmation, please contact us here

Please contact the Parish office (Click here to contact us)