
Financial donations are a necessary part of a vibrant Parish fabric. There are several ways to donate money:

PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit):

This is the easiest and most convenient way to donate

– directly from your chequing account

– whether you want to make a weekly, monthly, one-time (e.g. Capital Campaign) in memoriam, special projects) donation. 

Simply provide us with a void, blank cheque, and we’ll do the rest! For more information, contact the Parish Office @ (450) 691-4430 (during office hours!). A tax receipt will be issued automatically.


These donations can be dropped into the collection baskets available at each mass service. 

If you contribute regularly, we strongly suggest that you apply for a box of envelopes (call the Parish Office) to put your donation(s) in, so  that we can keep track of the amount and issue a tax receipt to you for the tax year.

E-Transfer : via our email account

There are several other ways to donate: vigil lights (these are candles located near the front of the church), one-time donations (these can be drooped off at the Parish office), for a specific project or purpose), bequests, in-memoriam…

Make a Bequest : Donation through Will

Annual Appeal


For more information, please contact the Parish office (450) 691-4430.

Many thanks  in advance for your generous support!